Photovoltaics for business
Green energy and big savings
More and more companies in Poland and around the world are choosing to become independent of electricity rises with their own photovoltaic power plant. Thanks to significant technological advances, photovoltaics have become trouble-free, safe and available to all companies as a source of cheaper and free electricity.
A professional installation is a good investment.
Reduction in fixed costs and independence
Photovoltaics in your business offers many advantages
Reduced electricity charges
With a properly sized photovoltaic system, your electricity charges will be significantly reduced. If your business has a high fixed electricity consumption, the rate of return will be even faster.
Possible funding
With us, you won’t miss out on funding and financing options. We offer support to help you get the most financial assistance possible.
Greater goodwill
Modern photovoltaic installations are attractive to potential investors and can increase the value of your property.
Green branding
Build a green image for your company. Show that you care about the environment and are a socially responsible entrepreneur. In this way, you will stand out on the market and attract new customers who increasingly value an ecological approach to business.
Call and start saving
+48 722 028 021
Energia Capital is efficiency and safety
At Energia Capital, our priority is to ensure that our customers are not only efficient, but also safe. Professional installation carried out by our experienced specialists guarantees the optimum performance of photovoltaic installations. We take care of every detail to ensure that energy is produced efficiently and without disruption. In addition, all our systems are equipped with advanced overvoltage and fire protection, which further enhances safety and allows you to enjoy green energy without worry.
We will help you obtain funding
Why Energia Capital?
Installation efficiency
It guarantees the fastest return on investment.
We use current and fire protection.
High quality
It ensures trouble-free equipment and installation.
Funding assistance
With us, you won’t miss out on funding.
Quick service
Efficient service teams ensure business continuity.
Great reputation
Join the many customers who recommend us.
Tailored design
Thanks to this, you will not overpay for overestimating your needs.
Comprehensive service
From design to financing to connection.
Both installation and electrical work.
Warranty on installations and components
Up to 25 years for efficiency of PV panels
Up to 15 years for inverters (inverters)
Up to 12 years for installation work
Up to 5 years for split and monoblock heat pumps
Up to 10 years for energy storage facilities
Visit our headquarter or call us
8:00 – 17:00
from Monday to Friday